Mental hospital

man lock woman away in mental hospital or a house.

like Ferdianal did to Duchess

the stage idea of Mental hospital

42554740ff59ab5105768f2d91fde4f3 5bf64351c9988f381e14837a5aee6652 9d58d66544caad9df21ead435892b4f9 bdb0ccabe57f5923dc84daae4ec8e3ee 951b300babcb299a1f0ce293cdae67fe 3d4c80f94ad80f9a90c0c980f56e3024 3ccacf3a8d235b8b021546aaaf8fd34b 3be3e638ea2cf6cbb29574b5929eb803

Factory idea – symbol the class of man and power, Corrupt society

Mental hospital – the weakness of woman and inner world of characters

